museless aiming

museless changelog

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict

That's right, now the whole site is XHTML 1.0 Strict. Nobody cares but me.

This page will hold the changelog for what I'm tentatively calling 'museless cms,' which is nothing more than the set of ZSH scripts that hold this site together.

07.05.02: Some CSS changes. Index is now a tag cloud. Working on how to vertically centre it for a more sparse intro. Changed the entry URIs to be more foreseeably persistent.

07.05.05: Support for images that work on any page, and accompanying CSS. Shortened preview to 10 lines for cleaner index.

07.05.17: New timeline for me to list artists and other random stuff.

07.05.18: RSS 2.0. woo

07.05.21: I guess you could say this site is XHTML 1.0 Transitional, as some pages are XHTML 1.0 Strict now (the rest are HTML 4.01 Strict). Also obtained myself a feed icon and switched to FeedBurner.

07.06.01: Now generates only XHTML 1.0 Strict output. Before I was stuck with HTML 4.01 Strict on some pages, since I couldn't think how to detect the end of a paragraph (some clever sedding did the trick).

: cms : : tech :
Wed May 2 22:59:24 BST 2007